Respeite o idoso. Lembre que um dia você ficará idoso e vai querer ser respeitado.

segunda-feira, 10 de março de 2014

Arquivo de Planos de Aula Anterior a 2014


9º ANO.

8º ano (antiga 7ª série) 1ª unidade
Programa 1ª unidade Profesor Walmir

7101- Present continuous tense auxiliary to be forms: am, is, are; pronouns: I, you, he, she, and it.

Exer7101 (describes an action that is going on at the present time, an action which goes on now or at the present moment and an action that occurs every day or all the time)

7102- Present continuous tense auxiliary to be form: are; plural pronouns: we, you and they.

Exer7102 (describes an action that is going on at the present time, an action which goes on now or at the present moment and an action that occurs every day or all the time)

7103- Review exercise 1. (describes an action that is going on at the present time, an action which goes on now or at the present moment and an action that occurs every day or all the time)

7104- Present continuous tense NEGATIVE form auxiliary to be form: am not, is not and are not; singular pronouns: I, you, he, she and it.

Exer7104: negative form

7105- Present continuous tense NEGATIVE form auxiliary to be form: are; plural pronouns: we, you and they.

Exer7105: negative form

7106- Review exercise 2: present continuous tense affirmative, negative.

7107- Present continuous tense QUESTION or INTERROGATIVE form singular and plural

7108- Review exercise 3: question form

7109- Review present continuous tense affirmative, negative and question form

7110- Review exercise 4

7111- Object pronouns singular: me (I), him (he), her (she), it (it), you (you).


7112- Object pronoun plural: us (we), you (you), them (they)


7113- Verb there to be present tense singular form: there is, (affirmative form).


7114- Verb there to be present tense plural form: there are, (affirmative form).

7115- Verb there to be present tense singular form: there is, (NEGATIVE form).


7116- Verb there to be present tense plural form: there are, (NEGATIVE form).


7117- Text 1[to explore language rules (grammar)]


7118- Text (oral training)


7119- Music (oral training)


7121- Project: International woman day.

7122- Work paper: vocabulary
1) saudações: bom dia, boa tarde, etc
2) família
3) objetos e material escolar,
4) cores,
5) frutas,verduras
6) nomes de animais
7) alimentos diversos
8) partes da casa,
9) nacionalidades: brasileiro, americano, etc
10) profissões,
11) peças do vestuário,
12) corpo humano,
13) dias da semana,
14) meses do ano,
15) estação do ano,
16) Números de 1 até 100
De 1 em 1 até 30
De 10 em 10 até 100
De 100 em 100 até 1.000
1o) Fazer caderno
2o) Individual
3o) Com figuras

- To introduce themselves and to give opinion
- To speak and to ask of the citizen
- To describe people
- To speak about events in the present and the past time.
- To speak on occupations, to tell events in the present and the past,

Pesquise vocabulário [aqui no blog]

01- Review present tense to be: singular and plural, affirmative, negative and question forma

02- Review personal pronoun: singular (I, he, she, it, you) and plural (we, you, they),

03- Review simple present tense: affirmative, negative and question form.

04- Uses of: can (ability), likes, dislikes,

05- Uses of: I like + noun,

06- Vocabulary: occupation,

07- Object pronoun: singular and plural,

08- Possessive pronoun: singular and pronoun,

09- Vocabulary: animals’ names,

10- Adjectives

11- Adjective superlative degree,

12- Vocabulary: family members,

13- Personality adjectives (short and long)

14- Have as possession,

15- First, next, then finally,

16- Going to future structure and conceptions (intensions and predictions),

17- Going to future: affirmative form,

18- Going to future: negative form,

19- Going to future: question form,

20- Vocabulary: days of the week, months of the year, seasons,

21- Will future structure and conceptions

22- Will future: affirmative form,

23- Will future: negative form,

24- Will future: question form,

25- Verb there to be (there was, there were): affirmative, negative and question forms,

26- Nouns: countable and uncountable,

27- Adverbs: more, less, fewer.

28- Ordinal numbers 1 to 30.
29- Simple past tense or past simple regular verb: affirmative form,

30- Simple past tense or past simple regular verb: negative form (did not or didn’t),

31- Simple past tense or past simple regular verb: question form,

32- Simple past tense or past simple irregular verb: affirmative form,

33- Simple past tense or past simple irregular verb: negative form,

34- Simple past tense or past simple irregular verb: question form,

35- Question words + past tense question form (question words + did question)

36- Vocabulary: ways of transportation, travel expressions,

37- Preposition off, out, of, into

38- Vocabulary: time expressions,

39- Modal verbs: may and might (affirmative, negative and question forms)
8 ano, antiga 7a série.

40- Conditional sentences: first conditional = if + present + will / conditions,

41- Vocabulary: human body,

42- Uses of: there will be, there may be, there might be; must, mustn’t + infinitive form for obligations,

43- Vocabulary: occupation

44- Uses of: too = adjective

45- Vocabulary: health, diseases,

46- Preposition of movement,

47- Preposition of place,

48- Uses of the expression ‘what’s the matter with you?’ (heath problems, diseases, sickness)

49- Too + adjective

50- Vocabulary: tourism,

51- Vocabulary: food,

52- How much and how many,

53- Uses of: a lot of, a few and a little

53- Going to future (future procedures): affirmative form,

53- Going to future (future procedures): negative form,

53- Going to future(future procedures): question form,

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