Respeite o idoso. Lembre que um dia você ficará idoso e vai querer ser respeitado.

sábado, 10 de novembro de 2007

Exercício Present Simple: Afir Neg Int.

 Professor Walmir – Exercício 6.

Exercise Present Simple forma AFIRMATIVA, Neg, int
Antes vamos ao resumo que fiz para você:

ATENÇÃO ERRATA ONDE SE LER: "Professor Walmir ler o jornal leia-se Professor Walmir lê o jornal"

A) Use os verbos do parênteses e passe para o presente

01) I ___ to my English class at FCM (drive)

Resposta exemplo:

I _ drive_ to my English class at FCM (drive)

02) You usually ___ hard (work)

03) He ___ up at 6 o'clock every morning (get)

04) She ___ a great day very often in Camaçari (have)

05) It ___ (rain) in Salvador terribly on winter

06) We ___ seriously to be supermarket manager (train)

07) You ___ the Félix School party (enjoy)

08) They ___ German perfectly at Catholic Universiy (learn)

09) Pedro and João ___ English fluently with Mr. Walmir Francisco Menezes High (study)

10) Walmir ___ carefuly about the economic situation of Salvador city at Catholic University (talk)

11) Carlos and Luis ___ a lot of noise all night long (make)

12) You and I ___ continuously to concentrate on the cost of living. (try)

13) José, Félix and your sister seriously ___ to the radio in class now ( listen)

14) The population of the Bahia state __ ununsually vey fast. (rise)

15) Isaac ___ happily in Bahia (live)

16) My teacher Walmir usually ___ hard (work)

17) Cassiano ___ up at 6 o'clock every morning (get)

18) Levi ___ a great day very often in Camaçari (have)

19) It ___ (rain) in Salvador terribly on winter

20) Alan ___ seriously to be supermarket manager (train)

21) Lindolfo ___ the Félix School party (enjoy)

22) They ___ German perfectly at Catholic Universiy (learn)

23) Pedro and João ___ English fluently with Mr. Santana Francisco Menezes High (study)

24) Walmir ___ carefuly about the economic situation of Salvador city at Catholic University (talk)

25) Alana ___ a lot of noise all night long (make)

B) Passe para a forma negativa [lembre como fazer a negativa]

C) Passe para a forma interrogativa [lembre como fazer]

3 comentários:

Alisson disse...

EXCELENTE EXERCÍCIO. Gostaria de obter o gabarito

Monelly disse...

o gabarito infelizmente não está disponível. Faça do seu jeito! 👍😒

Monelly disse...

Infelizmeente não tem a resposta. Faça vc mesmo 👍😒